Open-Source Intelligence with Global Eye

Global Eye is the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool of choice, harnessing the vast landscape of global news and social media to detect, track and analyse events worldwide.

The World’s Open-Source Data at Your Fingertips

Unlock the power of global social media and news with Sintelix Global Eye™. This cutting-edge solution revolutionises the way intelligence analysts monitor and analyse critical incidents and threats around the world.

With advanced algorithms and deep learning capabilities, the solution uncovers hidden patterns, identifies emerging events and their interactions, synthesising a coherent picture. For example, Global Eye event reports identify Who did What to Whom for Whom; via What target, Where, When, How and Why.

Whether it’s identifying geopolitical risks, tracking security threats or understanding social dynamics, Global Eye™ equips analysts with the intelligence they need to make informed decisions and stay a step ahead.

Connecting World Events and Social Media

Experience the Future of Data Analysis

For Whom?

Ukrainian Flag



Tanks on bridge



Fire on bridge



Ukraine Army Logo


Confident female intelligence analyst


Sintelix timeline

Date & Time


Ukraine map



Bridge on fire



Bridge and helicopter

Direct Target

To Whom?

Russian flag


Automatic End-to-End Workflow

Automatic end-to-end Sintelix workflow

Global Eye’s Capabilities

Track Social Media Worldwide

Social Media Monitoring for OSINT

Global Eye covers many social media platforms worldwide, including, Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Telegram, VK, YouTube and many more. Search and collect from multiple platforms. Automatic, alerts and warnings tell you about critical posts and events. Social Media data integrates into a massive knowledge graph enabling you to track timelines, show connections between accounts, posts, groups and topics on a link chart. Global Eye contextualises social media data by linking it to relevant news articles.

Global News Monitoring

Global News Monitoring for OSINT

Global Eye open-source intelligence sources include over 60,000 news outlets worldwide, ensuring a comprehensive survey of global events. You can select your locations, topics, platforms and period of interest and Global Eye will build a knowledge graph to satisfy all your information needs. It updates automatically. Its vast coverage ensures that you have access to a multitude of perspectives and information, enhancing the depth and breadth of your intelligence products.

Identify Events, Entities and Links with Sintelix

Identify Events, Entities and Links from OSINT Data

Powered by the Sintelix’s world-beating AI systems for entity extraction and entity resolution, the Global Eye OSINT software platform can identify actors, targets, weapons, locations, organisations, sources, and civilian and military groups. AI creates deeper understanding of events including command structures and motivations. Global Eye gives you a full picture of what’s happening, who’s involved and how.

In-Depth OSINT Analysis

Analyst using Sintelix with 3 monitors

Global Eye enables the analyst to perform keys tasks in tactical and strategic analysis:

Rapid Screening of incoming data – by sifting out significant information; analysing and summarising complex events, participants and related entities; prioritising them in order of importance and recency; and providing ability to drill down and visualise key details.

  • Rapid Screening of incoming data – by sifting out significant information; analysing and summarising complex events, participants and related entities; prioritising them in order of importance and recency; and providing ability to drill down and visualise key details.
  • Event Reporting – automatic detailed analysis of events presented in the form of a report with drill-down to analysis and source data
  • Source Analysis – how credible, reliable and biased are my data sources?
  • Perception Estimation – what do the other participants believe and intend based on social media and news?
  • Disinformation Detection – indicators for deception and deceptive collaboration
  • Capability Analysis – what are our strengths and vulnerabilities? what are theirs?
  • Intention Analysis – what are their potential goals, intentions and courses of action?
  • Plan Development – what responses could we make to potential intentions?

With the ability to capture open-source data from across the spectrum of news and social media, Global Eye offers both automatic analysis and the tools for analysts to dig fast and deep to answer critical intelligence questions.

Question-Answering with Sintelix

Question-Answering for OSINT

Global Eye’s QA feature provides direct answers to user queries on collected OSINT information. It quickly cuts through the complexities of your data, providing specific and relevant answers. This speeds up intelligence analysis.

Sintelix’s QA system understands complex questions using advanced artificial intelligence (AI). Users get accurate answers quickly, helping them make informed decisions rapidly.

Real Time Alerts with Sintelix

Real Time OSINT Alerts

Global Eye provides real-time alerts, focussing your attention on urgent developments and allowing you to attend to other work while Global Eye keeps watch. Alerts are sent out by email (or other messaging system) and stored for later review.

Our Customers

Peraton logo
US Defence Logo
US Army Logo
Latvian Defence Logo


Easy to Set Up

Setting up Sintelix Global Eye with smiling female customer

(Click to zoom)

Setting up Global Eye is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. All the interfaces are point and click.

Global Eye Easy Set Up →

Detailed Event Model

Sintelix network showing a detailed event

(Click to zoom)

Global Eye’s event model efficiently identifies key components such as actors, targets, weapons, locations, organisations, groups and sources involved in an event.

Global Eye Detailed Event Model →

Insightful Metrics

Sintelix table view

(Click to zoom)

Global Eye provides analysts a nuanced and quantified view of world events, including metrics of supporters, detractors, interest, escalation, violence potential and opinion conflict.

Global Eye Insightful Metrics →

Beautiful Visualisation

Sintelix multiple views - maps, timelines, networks, tables
Global Eye offers richly featured tables, link charts, timelines, maps and many other visualisations.

Global Eye Beautiful Visualisation →

Map Integration

Sintelix Global Eye table and map view

(Click to zoom)

Global Eye’s ability to view events and related entities on a map offers users an immediate visual representation of what’s happening where.

Global Eye Map Integration →

Automated Reports

Sintelix automated reports - profile view and network
Global Eye automatically generates editable reports on:

  • Events
  • Persons
  • Groups and
  • Organisations

Sintelix Reports →

Extend Global Eye with Apps

Make your key tasks rapid and easy. Sintelix engineers can craft apps for you that allow your users to do frequent activities quickly and simply.


Any Topic

Any Topic

Access over 200 built-in topics or customize your own for targeted analysis.

Globe icon


Analyze data from countries and states globally for a worldwide perspective.

time icon

Any Time

Delve into historical data to contextualize current events and trends.

globe and avatars icon

Monitor Millions

Track contributions and content from millions of people worldwide.

Images and videos icon

Images and Videos

Efficiently search, retrieve, and view multimedia content.

Watch lists

Watch Lists

Maintain vigilance on critical individuals and organizations.

Sentiment Analysis icon

Sentiment Analysis

Gauge public or group sentiments towards events and each other.

Interest And Escalation - increasing bar graph

Interest And Escalation

Track the changing frequency of reporting and discussion on specific topics.

City under attack icon

Asset Monitoring

Assess risks and intentions related to buildings, equipment, and personnel.

Customer Feedback

UK Ministry of Defence Logo
"We now have a cohesive set of intelligence tools delivering time savings and enhanced capabilities and we can now access and analyse data in ways that were not previously possible. Intelligence analysts from across UK Defence can now easily share data, produce intelligence and collaborate on projects."

– Representative of the Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom

Global Eye – the OSINT Intelligence Solution

Two analysts using Sintelix behind monitor

Global Eye is a revolutionary OSINT intelligence analysis platform that provides a sweeping view over 60,000 news outlets and social media platforms worldwide, enabling you to effortlessly capture, categorise and analyse global events in real-time.

With a focus on delivering intelligence focused on your need, Global Eye threat intelligence allows you to discern actors, targets, locations and more from events spanning your chosen topics, all presented through its intuitive dashboard, visualisations and detailed, automatic reports.

For efficient news and social media screening, in-depth analysis and real-time alerts, every critical insight from the world’s social media and news is now at your fingertips.

Ready To Get Started?