Sintelix Capabilities

Data Collection

Data Ingestion Sources

File Store

File Store

Connect to file stores and hard drives.

Web Browser

Web Browser

Capture pages and data via your browser using our Harvester Chrome plugin



Download URLs singly or in batch. Retrieve data from third party APIs.

Web Scraping

Harvesting Agents

Harvesting Agents

Harvest from your local machine, set up an Agent on a separate machine; connect to a shared Agent. Logging for all your work.

Harvester IDE

Harvester IDE

Use Harvester’s IDE to easily create and validate your own web scraping rule sets.

Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension

Harvest data as you browse. Take fine control of your harvesting with our Chrome extension.



Harvest through a VPN to provide privacy, endurance and speed.



Work through your own personas. Easily imported.

Harvester from Apps

Harvester from Apps

Harvester can be driven automatically from Apps and Solutions.

Social Media

Discord logo
Facebook logo
Instagram logo
LinkedIn logo
Medium logo
Pinterest logo
Reddit logo
Telegram logo
TikTok logo
Tumblr logo
Vimeo logo
VK logo
X logo
YouTube logo
And more...


Document Ingestion

1600+ File formats

1600+ File formats

Including MS Office files, ODF, HTML, XML, JSON, PDF, PS, RTF, archives, forms, etc.



Optionally collect and show images in documents. OCR them if required.

Document Structure

Document Structure

Sintelix identifies tables, sections, captions etc.

Video & Audio

Video & Audio

Collect and process audio and video; optionally transcribe.

Document Metadata

Document Metadata

Faithfully extract metadata. Use it in document processing and information extraction.

Voice to Text

Voice to Text

High quality transcription and speaker identification.

Original Documents

Original Documents

Store or link to original documents, e.g. for evidentiary purposes.



Recognise duplicate documents; store only one copy.

Language Detection

Language Detection

Identify a document’s language.

Document Processing

Document Collections

Document Collections

Store documents in collections; configure processing per collection; reprocess if extraction needs change.

Conditional Processing

Conditional Processing

Automatically direct documents to the appropriate processing pipeline.

Linguistic Analysis

Linguistic Analysis

Recognise a host of token features including POS tagging, chunking, semantic parsing and many more.

Information Extraction

Information Extraction

Extract any information you need from documents. Convert them to a database.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Extract the sentiment, the subject and the object of comments.

Topic Recognition

Topic Recognition

Recognise the topics covered by each document.

Classify & Tag Documents

Classify & Tag Documents

Classify documents and tag them: use to drive selective processing and assignment.

Key Phrase Extraction

Key Phrase Extraction

Extract important key phrases ocurring across collections.



Create and apply document taxonies and taxonomic classification.

Named Entity Recogniton

Named Entity Recogniton

Extract named entities using AI at very high accuracy; e.g. English at an F1 of 97.5%.

Multilingual NER

Multilingual NER

Currently offering English, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Latvian and Thai at world-leading accuracy.

Many Entity Types

Many Entity Types

Address, Code, Community, DateTime, Document, Email address, Ethnicity, GPE, Location, Money, Organisation, Percent, Percent-range, Person and many more.



Person-position, Person-title, Position-location, Person-organisation, Proximity, Person-relationship, Appearance, Colocation, Communication …



Entities and Relationships are richly featured; this enables the generation of rich networks and reports.



Map References are geocoded as are Location refereces – using context for enhanced accuracy.

Entity Enrichment

Entity Enrichment

Use app scripts to retrieve an incorporate own and 3rd party information into entities.

Table Parsing

Table Parsing

Extract information from document tables flexibly and configurably.

Document-Based Visualisation & UI

Document Collection View

Document Collection View

Load, process, review and reprocess documents.

Document View

Document View

Inspect document text, tags, entities, relationships and map locations.

Document Map View

Document Map View

Show some or all of the locations referred to in a document. Find refereces to locations.

Question Answering

Question Answering

Just ask a question. Get great answers. Precise with high coverage.

Document Search

Document Search

Sophisticated multifacet search: text; entities, metadata; document tags, date, etc.

Find Similar Documents

Find Similar Documents

Find documents similar to your document; vary required similarity.

Document & Markup Editor

Document & Markup Editor

Edit the text and markup of the Sintelix-extracted document.

Text Reference Evaluation

Text Reference Evaluation

Evaluate the quality of your entity extraction configuration against a gold standard – with productivity tools.

Text Reference Refinement

Text Reference Refinement

Review text references & entities across one or more collections. Good for analysis and configuration improvement.

Knowledge Graph & Analysis


Ontology Designer

Ontology Designer

Design how your information is represented and displayed.

Fine-grain Control

Fine-grain Control

The Ontology gives you tight control over entity types to show in documents and networks.

Icon Sets

Icon Sets

Use our built-in icon set; add your own.

Network Creation

Great Out of the Box!

Great Out of the Box!

The default document processing and network configurations solve most problems – but there’s more …

Configurable Node Generation

Configurable Node Generation

Generate nodes from entities, document properties and document tags. Calculate features, etc.

Configurable Link Generation

Configurable Link Generation

Generate links, from relationships, triangulation, colocation; features & tags.

Calculated Fields

Calculated Fields

Use network search indicators, graph indicators and field selections.

Selective Generation

Selective Generation

Select via network search indicators, graph indicators and field selections.

Node Tagging

Node Tagging

Generate Node tags from entity features and relationships.

Community Detection

Community Detection

Identify communities. Social Network Analysis calculates multiple centrality measures.

Topic Discovery

Topic Discovery

Identify the network of topics within document collections.

Email Threads

Email Threads

Reconstruct email threads from archived emails.

Network Visualisation & Analysis

Link Charts

Link Charts

8 different layouts including fully featured link charts showing entities and linkages.

Network Table

Network Table

Show entities and links as a row oriented table.

Network Table Views

Network Table Views

View your choice of columns of the network table. Colour them and preselect filters and sorts.

Export Network

Export Network

Export XGMML, GraphML, multifile format (i2), ANX (i2), KMZ, KML and Sintelix native format.

Map Underlay

Map Underlay

Superimpose your network graph (link chart) on a map.

Interlinked Map

Interlinked Map

Create a map from selected located entities. Drive the network graph from the map.

Find Shortest Path

Find Shortest Path

Find the shortest path between two nodes – with constraints, if needed.

Find Near

Find Near

Find entities with locations near your location of interest.



Visualise events, data and links with a highly scalable timeline viewer.


Deployment Pattern



Install Sintelix on your laptop or workstation.



Install Sintelix on your workgroup server and invite your users to log in.



Have Sintelix installed on you enterprise server cluster and managed by IT administrators.


User Management UI

User Management UI

Sintelix has a built in user management system and UI.

System Settings

System Settings

Connect to Harvester, email, data sources, other settings, etc.

Background Task Management

Background Task Mgt

View and manage background tasks across the system.

Backup and Restore

Backup & Restore

Save and restore system snapshots.

System Status Report

System Status Report

Full coverage of system information, token use, system configuration, health, backup, etc.



View and search audit and system logs.


Full Claims-based Security

Full Claims-based Security

Fully flexible configurable security model. Default model supplied.



Sintelix provides internal authentication and offers connectors to external tools. Import users in bulk via our provisioning tool.

Default Security Model

Default Security Model

Default Security model provides for user groups and CRUD permissions for collections and access to networks.



300+ Connectors

300+ Connectors

Connectors for over 300 databases and propietary systems.



Email Archives: Mbox, RFC822, PST, MSG;
Email Formats: EML, TNEF;
Email Servers: IMAP & Office365.

i2 ANB and iBase

i2 ANB & iBase

i2 Analyst’s Notebook integration;
iBase integration.

Web Service API

78 Base Functions

78 Base Functions

Ten groups of capabilities are exposed for everything from logging in to network analysis and system health.

Testers and Sample Code

Testers & Sample Code

Testers are provided in Sintelix to try out and develop with each exposed API function.

Custom Functions

Custom Functions

Use app scripts to create and expose custom API functions.

Productivity & Admin

Projects: Encapsulation



Projects contain Collections, Networks & Configuration; enable archiving and backup.

Share Projects

Share Projects

Share projects via Import and Export or seamlessly between users via accessible security settings.

Project Documentation

Project Documentation

Projects are amply documented with help pages, project wiki pages and attached files.

Configuration Tools

Highly Configurable

Highly Configurable

Sintelix exposes 28 configuration screens, many of them powerful IDEs.

Get What you Want

Get What you Want

Within the enormous range of the tool, Sintelix enables you to achieve exactly what you want in your application.

DIY or Work with Us

DIY or Work with Us

Many customers with high level technical teams develop configuration themselves. We can do it for you or provide graduated training.

App Scripts

Automate Sintelix

Automate Sintelix

Orchestrate Sintelix functions to power your projects and Apps. Create custom actions across Sintelix.

Custom Analytics

Custom Analytics

Need your own custom analytic function? No problem: create it with a Sintelix App Script.

Custom APIs & Clients

Custom APIs & Clients

Create custom http API functions and custom http clients.

Ready To Get Started?