Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference

Event Summary

Exploring and advancing military capabilities through the AUKUS alliance.

Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference

About the Event

Australia, the UK, and the US are currently investigating avenues for enhancing collaborative advanced military capabilities through the AUKUS alliance. This includes the potential provision of nuclear-powered submarines and the advancement of various cutting-edge technologies across all areas of defense.

Simultaneously, escalating regional tensions and the increasing strategic significance of the Indian Ocean are shining a spotlight on Australia’s role within the Quad diplomatic coalition, comprising Australia, India, Japan, and the US.

During the Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 (IODS 2024) conference in Perth, Western Australia – strategically positioned between the UK, India, Japan, and the US – prominent Australian and international governmental, defense, and industry figures will explore the overarching theme:

Convergence of AUKUS and the Quad.

This gathering will underscore the challenges and opportunities for international involvement and scrutinize how the Australian industrial sector can contribute to diplomatic, defense, and security endeavors in the region.

IODS 2024 is an industry-only trade event. The exposition and conference sessions are reserved for those with a professional, defence, governmental agency, business, academic, scientific, operational or response involvement in related government or industry sectors.

The event is not open to the general public. Please see entry conditions.

To stay up-to-date with the latest IODS 2024 announcements, subscribe to their official mailing list.

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Event Information

Event Type: Offline


Start Date: 2024-07-24

Start Time: 19:00

End Date: 2024-07-26

End Time: 19:00

Time-zone: UTC

Time-zone offset: -05:00


Type: Physical address


Location: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

Address: 21 Mounts Bay Rd

City: Perth

Region: WA

Post code: 6000

Country: Australia

Country Code: AU


Name: AMDA Foundation Limited



Offer 1:

Offer: Visitor

Price: $0

Currency: USD

Valid from: 2024-04-21

Offer 2:

Offer: Conference Delegate

Price: $495

Currency: USD

Valid from: 2024-04-21

Offer 3:

Offer: Dinner

Price: $250

Currency: USD

Valid from: 2024-04-21

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Event Images

Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference
Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference Banner
Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference Dinner
Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Conference speaker