Sintelix Case Studies

See how Sintelix is helping organisations with powerful text intelligence solutions.

National Archives Enterprise Information Manager Project

National Archives Australia Logo

National Archives of Australia staff were manually appraising and disposing of records, a very time consuming, expensive and inconsistent process. See how Sintelix delivered a robust system for automatically recommending disposal actions using document content and metadata.

IP Australia Metadata Extraction Project

IP Australia Logo

Discover how IP Australia used Sintelix to make 390,000 patent documents dating back to 1904 accessible to clients.

The NHMRC Dataset Challenge


See how Semantic Sciences used Sintelix technology, automation and sophisticated algorithms to solve the NHMRC dataset challenge.

Stats Perform

Stats Perform logo

Read how deploying Sintelix resulted in a 90% time saving for Stats Perform staff compared to reviewing and manually entering unstructured intelligence into their i2 database.